Wow it has been the craziest day. Would have been ok, if the baby wasn't sick, or the school didn't have their carnival smack dab in the middle of the day -like from 12:30-2:30. Anyway. This week I am going to giveaway
2 pairs of earings, your choice.
Any earings on my blog, which I have several more that aren't posted yet, but by next week, there will be more to choose from.
Okay if your new, the rules are;
1. comment - for one entry, and subrscribe as a follower, this will let you know when my blog has been updated. (look on the right hand column)
2. Blog about it for two MORE entries (yes that would be a total of 3 entries, I uped it)
Drawing will be next wednesday, Thanks have a great week and a fun and safe Halloween!!!!