I am however, making it a little harder this time. You have to install my link button to your blog, or e-mail my link to 10 friends. Then let me know in a comment that you have done so.
Instructions; go to customize, add a gadget, add html/java, then copy and paste the code into the dialogue box.
The winner of last weeks giveaway is "Kristen". So Kris, when can you pick up your Thankful sign (JK ,I wish)
If you have more cards, Kathy wanted homemade cards for christmas.Oh and I want the black necklace!
Aw man, I didn't win. That means I'll have to make a Thanksgiving decoration. I have put your button on my blog so I can enter the card giveaway. I love your cards Becky!
Sheesh! I guess if I didn't win, I'm glad Kris did at least!
Ok, I put your button on my blog--right on top!
Thanks again for the package!
CUTE CUTE crafts... I kind of feel greedy entering again... but I LOVE these cards! :)
Duh, I should've put this link on my blog a long time ago. Sorry. How cool that I won. You can send it to me via 1 mail express. Thanksgiving is only 2 weeks away. Haha! J/K. I don't even have my own decor out. I guess since we are going to be gone, I figured I didn't need to put the stuff out this year. :)
I love the black necklace too. Very cute Becky!
Becky, I don't know if you remember me, Lisa's friend Stacy, but I added your button to my blog! I love your crafties!
I did it! I put-cha on my blog ;) Count me in.
I messed up on the last blog. I tried to put your link on my blog and I did but it is just a line saying "Becky's Craft Closet". I need tech help to do it right. ''
Love your stuff. good job!!! I heard you are making some aprons for some cute blondes that I know.
Love Ya,
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