Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday at My House - Kitchen Wall

 There it is.  New coat of paint, some new artwork,  well new is not the right word  all of them old looking..... Does it look like I went to the Thrift Store and picked up a bunch of stuff?     Wait, don't tell me, I like it, I think its prettier in person. 
now I am thinking too much.  One of the pieces has some antique silverware and the other in the matching frame has my husbands grandmothers measuring spoons,  which we picked out when she passed away several years ago. 

I also love having the salt and pepperon that little shelf right next to the table.  Do you always realize you forgot it after everyone is sitting down?   WELL I DO. 
Click here to find out more about the silver ware art, or here to see where I got the printables.
Okay One wall down, and .................... well all the rest to go.  Love having painted walls after waiting a year!


  1. It's such a great feeling to finally have painted walls and something hung on them after having to wait for it...I know the feeling well! I don't know you, but I'm happy for you that you were able to get this done. Great job on it!

  2. I love the saying on your wall and the white frame around it is a great touch!!

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  4. This is a really cool post. I love this kitchen. It is completely the style that would fit me.whirlpool washer door locked light flashing
