Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thrifty Thursday - printables

Can you get more thrifty than Free? How about just a little ink, and an old frame-- repainted of course.

I just painted the kitchen and I am about ready to hang all the pictures, I am just looking for a few last things.  Here is a thrifty tip.  THere are some CUte Cute CuTE printables out there,  I finally found an adorable Kitchen one on this cute blog, Life with the Ellwoods.

I am also using some from I am Momma Hear me Roar, as I redo my entry, I am making a gallery wall, kinda of like the one I linked to.  She has a great gallery wall.  THey are also all over in the pottery barn magazines.
Here are her printables she created.

It is so thoughtful of these cute girls to share their artwork with us.  So if you use it please let them know, and tell them where you heard about it.

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