Saturday, September 17, 2011

A new Blog Schedule

Blogging makes me happy....  Well the new blogger interface is giving me issues, but anyways, I have decided that I am going to do more of it.  I have a camera full  of projects and I think the reason I don't post them is they aren't organized.  SO I think I will  break it down this way.

Monday at My House - This will be the random one, Most of the time it will be something I have made or redecorated at my house.  We will see how  it goes, haha.

Tuesday's Tips - I will share a tip that I have found very useful.  (usually a link)  I am kind of into food storage, preparedness stuff, and saving money, but this might change with the seasons.

Wear it Wednesday - A handmade or refashioned item to wear of course!

Thrifty Thursday -  Hi my name is Becky and I am a recovering garage sale addict, (sometimes I still sneak in a side trip on our way to baseball games etc.) but I am ALWAYS lookin for bargains.  It could be anything that I have found a way to save money on.  Thrift stores are my favorite places to hunt for a bargain.

Friday's Fantasies - Links to pictures of projects I think are fabulous and hope to one day try out myself.

I hope you will leave coments, let me know what you think of that days post, or if you have tried it let me know and I will feature you!!  I love getting to know the bloggers.

So Here it goes it will all start on Monday. 
A pre-view??
Zucchini, Earrings, Dresing up my Cute little boy,
and other fun stuff.
(haha, no I am not making earrings out of Zucchini,
but that would be a new one)


  1. Can't wait to see what you are up to.

  2. Sounds like a great schedule. :)

  3. I will definitely be following it. It sounds like a great thing to do. You may inspire me to make a few posts again on my own blog.
