Monday, December 6, 2010

A peak at the shop

 I hope you haven't given up on this littl blog, its something I really love to do, but rarely manage to find the time.  This is one of the 5 little kitchens that I have sold in the shop this year.  I think they are darn cute, and easy to make,  the sink is a bow. the faucet is a cupbord door handle, and the burners are vinyl, I cut different sized o's for the burners, The populare thing about this is it can be stored under a bed or anywhere really so its not in the way or taking up bedroom space.
 Everytime I take one of these into the shop its gone in a flash.  I cleaned up some old windows and put this vinyl calendar on it,  I made one for myself on a huge white board in my hallway, it is a lifesaver.
 my headbands, on that is McKinley's blue desk too.  only one scarf left, better get busy.
 this is just some of the earings, I made a display on an old door.  it works so well.
The necklaces aren't displayed in the most ideal way, but the shop is PACKED, this is just some of my stuff.  I have a few other things that already sold so I didn't get any pics of them in time.  It has kept me VERY busy, which is a good thing since moving out here would have left me a little bored....  However I am looking forward to the end, and hope it ends in $$$$.


  1. Love McKinley's blue desk! The little kitchens are a great idea. :)

  2. Your thins are so cute. How neat to have them be so popular.

  3. SICK, Becky! You never fail to amaze me.

  4. Everything looks so cute! I hope it went well for you.

  5. I absolutely love your little kitchen sink. What a cute idea! Just thought I would stop by your blog...haven't visited for awhile. I see you are like to blog, but life just is so busy. As it should be...


