Friday, June 11, 2010

Lego stories 4 kids.

This will keep the kids busy all day. *warning* some parental involvement required.

Westin age 7 thought of this all by himself. He asked if he could make his own book, and he would get the lego's posed perfect and have me take a picture for him.

Each story had about 4 or 5 pictures in it. So far they are all scripture stories because this happened to be on a Sunday and he wanted to make a book that would be good to read on the sabbath. I love his sweet moments. They are kind of rare these days.

Another book he made was an I spy book(he's a little obsessed with anything I spy). a year ago he would take pictures of toys that he had arranged in a pile. Then another picture of just a few items that you have to look for. I am sorry that I don't have any pictures of that one anymore.


  1. OMG! My son will go nutz over this... Lego and Spy all in one sentace! LOL.

  2. That is PRICELESS!! I love it and I love that boy!

  3. That is so cute!!! What a kid!!. That is an ingenious idea for kids to do. I can't wait to see the book!

  4. Love the cute Lego book!!
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    Jennifer @ The Craft Barn
