Sunday, June 27, 2010

Protein/Fiber Bars

I have been playing with a granola bar recipe. I really need a high protein snack in the mornings or I am dragging by early afternoon, and its been a big problem lately. They turned out UH-mazing, and they really work well. We Like them so much better than storebought!

Here is my recipe: (this makes about 18 to 20 bars)
3 1/2 cups rolled oats
1 cup whole wheat flour
1/3 cup brown sugar (next time I will try splenda brown sugar)
1 t. baking soda
2/3 cup butter (melted)
1 t. vanilla
**The following ingredients are all optional use whichever you have or like
2 T wheat Germ
2 T ground flax seed
1/2 cup almonds
3/4 cup peanuts
3/4 cup choc.chips
press into a cake pan and bake at 325 for about 20 minutes.Let cool for 10- minutes then cut into bars. Let cool completely before removing from pan. If they are too crumbly try addign another 1/3 cup butter, or a large egg this holds them together really well if you are not worried about the extra fat.

I tried to figure the nutitional facts from the labels then divided it by 18. here is what I got ( It is not completely accurate)
fat 15g
calories 275
carbs 20
protien 8
fiber 4

You can try more variations on this (keep in mind I figured the nutitional facts from my above recipe)

* use craisins, coconut and macadamia nuts or almonds
*add a heaping spoonful of Peanut butter instead of butter, add the peanuts and choc chips
*add cinnimon and raisins instead of choc chips.

any other ideas? If you try them let me know what you think.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Winning cookies??

More cookies, this time for baseball season. I noticed these popcorn bags in my cupboard, I thought they matched so nicely, so I added them to the cookies. I so still feel self concious giving them out, like all the moms are looking at me thinking I am an overachiever. Well I am not an overachiever and I was getting a little stressed out becuase I waited until the last minutes. THEN one mom came and told me her7 year old son said "mom, theses aren't just any treats, these are WINNERS treats". awww how adorable. It was all worth it right there!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Iron on T-shirts

I found this box of Iron on's at Walmart on clearance for 7.00. Its got many girl logos like on the box, and several more sheets of alphabets to make your own....oh my the possibilities. But first of all would have to be this shirt for Westin. I had been meaning to make a freezer paper stencil for it, but it takes so long to cut out all the letters. So here we go.

For the front I made freezer paper stencil of a bike stunt and ran over it with a toy truck that ran through brown paint. When I showed him he actually got all giddy!!! I realized I had been making too many girl things lately.
This is my practice shirt, I pulled out a shirt that was too small for my 2 year old thought of some letters to put on the front I think it looks cute enough for a present. I will have to send it to some DIE HARD OSU fans.

Friday, June 18, 2010

summertime snacks

My solution to kids constantly raiding the snack cupboard! I also had several cereals that my kids were tired of. Add chocolate chips, marshmallows, and nuts and its a whole new snack!
the cereals I used were - Chex, golden grahams, cheerios. The kids each have a small container with their name, and they have to stay out of the cupboards!! or ELSE!! I have another list of things they can choose from - yogurt, string cheese, a fruit snack, and an apple. Some days it works, some days I have to remind them or get after them for sneaking stuff.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Toddler Time

I needed something to entertain these two while I made dinner for 7 kids that night. the older 5 got tired of "babysitting" I realized if I put a box of dirt on the deck, I could easily watch them and they were so entertained for almost an hour. It was the best!! Of course once dinner was ready we ate it outside and then those two got straight in the tub. Since neither one of them have sandboxes at their house it was quite a treat. Last night we did the same thing with a huge bowl of water and measuring cups.

**I am still "Celebrating a Crafty summer" all month long, any other bloggers want to join in? or do you have an idea to add? Just leave me a comment. Especially if you have a tip for keeping these guys busy while I make dinner.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Lego stories 4 kids.

This will keep the kids busy all day. *warning* some parental involvement required.

Westin age 7 thought of this all by himself. He asked if he could make his own book, and he would get the lego's posed perfect and have me take a picture for him.

Each story had about 4 or 5 pictures in it. So far they are all scripture stories because this happened to be on a Sunday and he wanted to make a book that would be good to read on the sabbath. I love his sweet moments. They are kind of rare these days.

Another book he made was an I spy book(he's a little obsessed with anything I spy). a year ago he would take pictures of toys that he had arranged in a pile. Then another picture of just a few items that you have to look for. I am sorry that I don't have any pictures of that one anymore.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Hello My Craft Closet followers! I am so thrilled that Becky is letting me take over her cute blog today! I love following her blog and looking at her amazing creations!

Let me introduce myself! My name is Leslie and I am the creator of
Night Owl Crafting.

I started blogging back in 2008 and decided that my personal blog was being over taken by my crafts. So I started my craft blog to share my creations and inspirations that I receive from fellow bloggers and crafters. I host 2 link parties each week. The first one is on Tuesdays and it is called

Hoo are you Tuesdays!


This party is where you answer a few questions I ask each week and then link up your post! This is a party to get to know each other outside the craft world!

The other one is held every Wednesday and it is called

This link party is where you can come and show off whatever you have been making!

I hope you will come and link up to both parties! I also am looking for more AMAZING blogs like Becky's to blog swap with me!

Today I want to introduce you to my new favorite product!

I am loving this product! I have made a few things with it recently!
I first started by making these cute clothes pin magnets! Check out how I made them here!

I then decorated my vases with the Washi tape! If you want to know how to do this click here!

Today I want to show you what I did with Washi Tape using binder clips!

Aren't those cute and so much easier than modge podging paper on!

All you do is cover the binder clip with the tape and fold the extras into the inside!

THANKS LESLIE, I am really glad I have gotten to know Leslie through her blog, she is truly a sweet heart, I am so glad to know about this cool product, but WHERE do we get this stuff??

another J crew inspired shirt.

Here My blog post from blog swap with Night owl Crafting.
My mother and all my grandmothers were seamstresses, and baking pro's. My mother actually made Wedding dresses and had a successful business when I was younger. That is of course where I learned to sew. She even tells me stories about how my grandmother would ride into town with my grandpa and sit in the car in front of the clothing stores and sketch the cute newest fashions, then she would go home and make things out of the hand me downs they were given. I think that is so cool, that she was refashioning back in the 1940's too. They had a small farm and 5 girls and 1 boy. So money was super tight. Right now I am OBSESSED with jewelry and have an etsy shop here above and below is a sampling of the projects I have made recently.
I love to copy ideas from jcrew (below)or anthropologie.

Here is my latest attempt.I started with my husbands pink shirt which I figured he was never going to wear.
I took in the sides, and used the scraps from that and the sleeves to make a ruffle to line the neck area. I also had to make a facing for the neck and arm holes, to hem them. I did this by laying the shirt on the scrap fabric and tracing the curve. easy peasy.

I totally love it. I think it is my new favorite article of clothing, I wore it yesterday and got lots of compliments.
I hope you enjoyed it, Thanks Leslie for letting me blog swap with you and your cute blog! I hope you will all take a look and let me know what you like. Today is the kick- off of my "Crafty Summer" I will be posting something every weekday in June. I hope you will join me.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

what I've been up to.

I am sorry for the lack of posting, lately I have been so obsessed with finishing unfinished projects that I haven't finished any posts. hahaha. I am going to apologize to you right now. I realize I am probably only talking to myself? Is there anyone out there reading this blog? I guess the reason I started blogging was to feel more organized, so I have a record and pictures of the things I've done. I frequently get asked how to do things, and if I give them the blog address then they know right where to go. I follow more blogs than I can even count... really. So most things I make or have made are allready out there. I like to post my attempts with links to other blogs so my friends can find out how to do it. If my blog has helped or inspired you in anyway. Let me know, I would love to do a post about you, your project, blog etc. I am going to be more on top of things this summer unless if by some miracle we sell our house, :S

Here are a couple of pictures that I meant to blog about and never did.

We (Activity Days) made some of these snakes out of minky and fleece for Humanitarian aid (I made a few more for birthday presents) for humanitarian aid we used fiberfill and for heavier ones, for presents, I used wheat. Because thats what I have a lot of. So far everyone loved them. But then again. I really don't think they would tell me, ummm Becky these are dumb.

I bought this towel and Kohls. I wanted to make one, but I gave in and bought it because I had a coupon. But it would be pretty simple. On the corners it looks like paws. so cute!

Mckinley's spring scarf i made with fabric off the remnant rack. probably cost .50 It is about or 8 inches wide, then sewn into a ring. after that I soaked it in water and wadded it up and sat it in the sun to dry. Here is a good tutorial at ruffles & stuff.
So now I will begin to
Celebrate a "Crafty Summer"
with a new post every weekday in June.
You heard me right.
stuff to make for you, your kids, with your kids, for a neighbor, or to EAT!
I will start tomorrow with a guest post/blog swap with
Night Owl Crafting.
are you a crafter?
Do you want to join me?
Let me know and we can work something out.
see you then!