Monday, February 8, 2010

Valentines Day!!!

Don't forget to keep scrolling down or click on the right for February's Giveaway.
Above is My daughters Robot, she designed ( I helped very little in designing, but a little more in the hands on area) for her class Valentine exchange, They have some kind of a contest. I think he is a keeper, I helped her to wrap the tinfoil around the lid so it can be removed and he or she? won't get destroyed taking out the Valentines.
I made these felt heart beanbags and game for our Pre-school Valentine party. we will use a lot of different numbers and they will identify them and hopefully even add some of the smaller numbers. I think they will, they are smart little cookies.


  1. the robot turned out great! and I love the beanbags! :)

  2. Oh my goodness - adorable robot! Way to go McKinley! Your shirts look adorable too Becky. I'm too scared to try it - but they turn out so cute!

  3. I actually need to make heart beanbags tonight too for our pre-school party. The robot is adorable, I hope she wins! Thanks for sharing with me!
