Thursday, April 5, 2012

Angry Birds Birthday Party

Well here it is. My little man turned 4. I wasn't going to have a party. but the angry bird theme just sounded so cute. so I started to think..... THIS IS THE LAST TIME I WILL HAVE A 4 YEAR OLD. I am trying to do everything I can to keep him little, and I guess what I need to do is enjoy it.

I didn't have a lot of time, but I had these $1 store invitations left from Preschool. so I printed out some angry birds and stuck them over top of the sun. I think they are so cute and simple.

I took him to the Party store to find some cute party stuff.  The balloons were just too much fun.  THe kids decorated some pigs and took one home with them.
These are the the birds we made for our game.  They are 1/2 filled with rice, and we colored the face parts on sticker paper and cut them out.  If We had more time they probably could look a lot better.

I put the big kids in charge of decorating the bottles like pigs.  The rice weighed them down to make it harder.
The big kids also had fun setting them up.  When every one had a turn we would set up for another level, it got al little harder each time.  we used both layers of the coffee table and then we added the piano bench on top of that.  WAY FUN!!
I didn't have alot of time that day, so the cup cake ended up a little plain.  There are some much cuter ones on pinterest. 

So go for it, Have an angry birds party, for you next birthday, or last day of school.  There are so many ways to make it fun